The Ohio Coalition for Open Government is funded by contributions from The Ohio News Media Foundation and other outside sources. It’s board includes public trustees from organizations with an interest in freedom of information.

The demand on OCOG’s funds, particularly to support court cases on important transparency issues, keeps growing, with one legal battle easily costing $50,000 or more if it reaches the Ohio Supreme Court. That’s why we urge you to donate to the organization.

OCOG is a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) corporation established by the Ohio News Media Foundation in June 1992, meaning all your donations are tax deductible.

To donate to OCOG, go to our action page →

Hal Douthit Fund


The Hal Douthit Fund is named in memory of Harold K. “Hal” Douthit, OCOG’s founding president and the chair of Douthit Communications in Sandusky.  Hal passed away in October 2014. Your donations to the Hal Douthit Fund help underwrite the cost of litigation that OCOG enters to support open government in Ohio.